| Kimberly Chan

#breakthebias with Nodspark

An International Women's Day Feature 

As the month of March comes to a close, we down to our final IWD feature, with none other than the team at Nodspark!


Our 2022 IWD Campaign mission that we adopted from the International Women’s Day website (out of their many missions), is to forge inclusive work cultures where women's careers thrive and their achievements are celebrated. 


Do read on to see learn more about our team and how we strive to create a fun, inclusive and efficient workplace of like-minded women. 



About Nodspark

Nodspark is Singapore's leading designer of nail polish wraps, with an unparalleled range of trending designs. Our nail wraps require no drying time, have a professional finish, and are scent-free. Providing a creative, fuss-free and fun option, Nodspark aspires to celebrate effortless beauty.


On Eugenia: Black Marble


Eugenia Ye-Yeo

Founder and Brand Owner of Nodspark


  • How have you created a positive workplace environment for your female team members to thrive?

  • I’ve always been mindful to create a safe working environment my team to thrive. As a leader, we do set the tone for the company’s culture and direction for the team, so I strive set a positive example for the team. For starters, treating your team members with respect and maturity, allowing them to make mistakes but not chastising them for it — letting them work on themselves and blossoming from within the role.

    I focus a lot on open communications and for that to be done respectfully. I don’t believe in working the team to the bone, but instead, ensure we are efficient with our time so that we can show up for both our professional and personal lives.

  • How would you encourage other female led businesses to adopt similar practices, and why?

  • If you get to write or rewrite the rules and roles in your company, why not make the best out of it? Creating a safe environment is one of the best things I’ve done for the business as happy people tend to be the most efficient and infectious lot!

    We uplift each other more than tear things down. We see the light in others and we build upon each other’s strengths and celebrate them. It might sound all too perfect, but this magic within the team is something that I guard wholeheartedly because it doesn’t come by often at all. It takes time and a lot of dedication to navigate human emotions and expectations, but it can be done when you hire the right people and share similar principles. 



    Sophia Ho

    Sales Channels & Business Development


  • What’s your role at work?

  • My role is focused on managing online and offline distribution channels, digital marketing, website operations and some customer service. I am also proficient in design work, so I help out in that department when necessary too!


  • How do you feel your company’s ethos and culture has empowered you as a woman at work and/or outside of work?

  • At Nodspark, everyone is here to contribute and learn. Even though mistakes are made (part and parcel of learning), Eugenia has never raised her voice in my two and a half years of working. There isn't the slightest passive-aggressiveness energy in our office because that’s the company culture set from the start- to grow together and never to harp on mistakes made. Culture is set from the leader, and it trickles down to the rest of us, allowing us to have an open and safe space to get real work done every day.

    Our team is a group of like-minded individuals who are fun-loving, easy-going, and hardworking. You could say it is a great compatibility of our personalities and chemistry combined. We make a pretty solid team here at Nodspark!

    Having a healthy culture at work has also helped improved my relationships out of work- allowing me to take home the positive energy and develop respectful relationships at home with my loved ones as well!


  • What do you hope that more workplaces can adopt that your workplace has done right to support women?

  • Frequent check-ins on our mental wellbeing are one of Eugenia’s efforts to empathize with us and understand our concerns. As our in-house cheerleader and ‘hypegurl’, she recognizes our strengths and spurs us on. Sure, we all have our PMS, back-breaking, and uncooperative body days - but these are what makes us women; she sympathizes and never dismisses. These are the little things that add up and are instilled in our attitude when at work.


  • What’s one piece of advice you have to female friends who are struggling to have their voices heard at work?

  • Don't be afraid to speak up on the things that make you feel uncomfortable. If something bothers you too much, it is fight or flight - but don't fight, talk it out.


    On Sophia: Playful Blocks


    A special thank you from us to you!

    Thank you for joining us on our little IWD campaign, we hope you enjoyed reading through the journeys of each of the featured brands, and we hope you managed to takeaway some new insights of different workplace environments! 

    We hope to inspire more workplaces to take the chance to make positive changes in the workplace as well. Here's to a wonderful year ahead!


    Join us at Nodspark

    Nodspark is also on the lookout to have like-minded individuals on our small team. If you think you’d be a perfect fit, drop us a note! Do write in to us at hello@nodspark.com with your resume.

    Also special thanks to Sophia and Eugenia for taking the time to do this with us 

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