| Sophia Ho
Guide to finding your MLBB lash style
We know it may be tough finding the right lash style to dress your eyes, especially for users who are completely new to all things lashes. Our team at Nodspark has put together a non-exhaustive list of our My Lashes But Better (MLBB) Lash Strips for you to match recommended lash styles to your eyes more easily!
1) For users who wear spectacles or sunglasses often
For those who wear spectacles or sunglasses often, an important consideration point is for the lash strips' lashes to not touch the lens of the spectacles. Hence, you'll want a lash style that is relatively shorter in length, and/or with a deeper curl so that the ends of the lashes will not be sweeping the lens.
We highly recommend that you read the description of the lashes in our product description, where we'll also indicate the lash lengths. From there, you may filter the lash styles based on what your lash length's threshold may be.
2) For users with monolids
For users with monolids, you may consider lash styles that are shorter in length if you'll like to keep a natural look! You may also take lash styles with a cat-eye* to accentuate your eye shape. Our MLBB range's cat-eye lash styles are light and gradual, so enjoy the lashes not being overly exaggerated even with a cat-eye finish!
*Cat-eye lash style: A popular lash style that features lashes that run from shorter lengths to longer lashes at the corner of the eyes. This lash shape gives the look of a winged eyeliner with the long lashes by the sides. It helps to balance out eye shapes or simply to lend a sultry look.
3) Users with droopy eyes
Similar to users with monolids, we'd recommend going for lash styles with a cat-eye finish to open up the sides of the eyes. This lash style is a great hack to brighten the eyes instantly!
4) Users with hooded eyes
With age, we tend to see more ladies developing a hooded lid especially if you are born with a deeper double eye lid. If you fall under this category, we'll suggest getting a lash style from MLBB that has more volume, and/or a deeper and longer curl, so that the lashes can show up nicely as it fans out beyond the hooded lids.
If you'll like something more natural, go for less volume, but try to keep length of the lashes to something longer (versus something shorter).
On a concluding note:
These recommendations are based on our experience and customers’ feedback, but much depends on the facial features of the user as well. At the end of the day, there are no hard and fast rules, and we ultimately recommend selecting a lash style based on your preference and comfort level, if you have one. We hope this list has been helpful, and if you have any questions on what lash set to use, do drop us a message!
Shop here for all your MLBB lash styles, and don't forget to share this article out to friends and loved ones to make a more accurate choice for their first MLBB set! Don't forget to cart out the necessary MLBB accessories to go as well.