| Cheryl Lie

Team Nodspark - Little Joys at Home

Like everyone else, Team Nodspark has been busy adjusting to our new, extraordinary circumstances. Who could have imagined that many months down the road with the Circuit Breaker and post-Circuit Breaker, we are all becoming homebodies with secret hobbies! Hands up if you've gotten cosy with a new mish-mash world of pyjamas, work, family and Zoom? Presenting sneak peeks of what Team Nodspark has been up to at home...

I found myself gravitating towards gardening midway of the Circuit Breaker in Singapore. It's something I never saw myself doing, or had an interest in. But my husband had a Click n Grow starter kit, and with a few basil pots thriving, I decided to re-pot them. There was something therapeutic about the quietness of re-potting and resetting the soil. My latest addition to the garden is a lemon tree, which I so love.The little joys of seeing the plants thrive and multiply was simply satisfying and brought a different kind of satisfaction altogether. 

I've been getting back into the habit of journalling and enjoying various podcasts on self-improvement and entrepreneurship, seizing this time and quietness for more self-reflection, and to better understand myself. In my spare time, I've also been playing and bonding more with my little pet cockatiel, Pepper, and I'm sure he's enjoying our increased presence around the house as well!

Since my husband resigned in February, he has been utilising his baking skills learnt from all his previous F&B jobs and is exploring home baking -- baking for friends and family! My main task has been to scoop the cookie dough onto the tray before popping them into the oven. It has been immense joy in helping him because I find it quite therapeutic to watch the cookie dough transform. The greatest reward of staying home is to be constantly surrounded by the aroma of fresh bakes! I am guilty of eating the air as his cookies bake :p 

Check out my husband's home bakes: @myhusband.bakes

The circuit breaker has definitely given me more family time (which I love!) so that's been super, cause my family is a crazy bunch for sure. We love crafts so we've been painting and doing a lot of art and craft projects at home together too! I also try to exercise when I can - and working out at home has made it so much easier because I have no excuse of being late, or missing class with everything online. I love going out and I miss meeting and seeing people, but I think I've become a homebody - not sure how I'm gonna adapt when things change again haha! :)

We hope that you ladies have discovered a hidden talent of sorts during this period as well! If not, it's never too late to start! 

Love xxx

Team Nodspark

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